poupeegirl fashion brand community


Why am I

Suddenly so overwhelmed with hurt

With confusion

I don't know what's wrong with me

But all that's in my mind is you

You're like

A parasite

That feeds on my brain

Eating away reality from my mind

But yet, I love you

And I refuse to trade you away for reality

No matter how much

I try

I can't let go

What's wrong with me?

Everyone has

Already turned back

Yet I'm stuck here

Unable to



I can't be with you

But yet desiring to

Be by your side

It's suffocating


Why am I

Doing this to myself?

Why am I crying?

What's there to cry over?

You give me so much pain but

Yet I can't get rid of you

Without you there's no light in the dark room

You're my gleam of hope

It's so dumb how

I do this to myself

When there's probably so many better people out there

Yet my heart feels like

It can never love

Anyone as much as you anymore.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导