poupeegirl fashion brand community


I am but who I am

I'm no genius in logical terms

I'm not the most articulate of the lot

I might pass off as unruly



But it truly does not bother.

There is, a beauty in individuality.

No one person is the same as another.

Not every person gets along well which each other.

But hey, does it matter?

You don't live for the world

The Earth is your playground, you decide your own game.

Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose;

But when we lose, it's okay. The replay button is always there.

However there may be times that we can never win,

And that's where we learn to let go.

Men are all born imperfect. So why be so harsh on yourself?

As mainstream and clichéd it may be, You Only Live Once.

So live with a bright smile.

Care more for things you are willing to do

Never force yourself down the wrong path.

Learn to live and let live:

Everyone thinks differently,

Everyone acts differently,

And that's life.

So what if you're not an A1 student?

So what if you're not an all rounder?

You have a heart.

To love.

You're beautiful as you are.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导


Spiders. :(


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导


When predicaments stay well as it is,

I hate it sometimes that most of the time what I dread for life happens

I won't call it being able to read the future, or being prophetic, oh no.

But nature has a certain course that it takes.

And somehow, that course seems to be ever so predictable.

I hate to be critical, but when time calls for it, I can't help.

It's a pain, I agree, but some bad things in life can't always be avoided.

You can become frustrated, annoyed, you can develop hatred, but hey.

That's not why God put you to live.

Those hands of yours.

They were meant to give.

They were meant to care.

They were meant to hold someone else's.

Don't lose hope.

You were made, for a reason.

Don't lose hope.

He, was made, for a reason.

Hurt, pain, momentary feelings, of I prefer, segments of idiocy, you have to learn to overcome.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导

I love how no one ever reads my blog. And those people who do read my blog, don't know how or why, hi.

I know that some traffic still arrive from Shera's blog to read my post. To those people as well,?hi.


How many of you out there are clueless?

About You?

I dare say I was clueless once. No, I was ignorant.

But sometimes ignorance pays off. However sometimes it's just to obvious to be ignored.

My clueless ones, please stay the way you are. You are the true keys to a revolution in this distraught world.

Just a little more innoncence and childlikeness to make everyone's day much better.

Go ahead and think me stupid, but that's what I firmly believe in.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导


I know this friend who has learned to change.

Compared to her, you guys all need to learn some shame.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导

我要说得话,就一定要说出来。不要说我是对世界已经包一种绝望的感觉,我其实对世界是有无限的期望。 但是,有些时候就必须振作自己,踏脚实地。





我知道可能现在我说的都夸张了一点,但是时间是我们的证据。不久,一定会拆散。 我也已经没有太在乎了。 未来已经为了我们准备好了两条路。 不是你现走,就是我先去。


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导