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Incoherent blog post ahead.

I'm so




Let me state this first.

I joined CMC for reasons.

1. I love Chinese.

2. I love Media Studies. And in Media Studies, I most enjoyed Videography, even though I wasn't very good at it.

So when Video Production module started, I was really excited.

Excited to be able to use the video camera again.

Script up, storyboard just like before.

Go crazy going around finding locations to shoot, finding actors.


But then when it really started, I found myself nonetheless disappointed.


We're given DSLR cameras to film with, even though it's well known enough that NP has the best media equipment amongst all Polytechnics.

We edit with Premiere Pro, it's okay! But guess what? Before this, seniors edited with iMovie!? W.o.w. (But either way, Final Cut is much better to use.)

For microphones, all we have is a boom mic stuck on the camera. It's not even the portable kind.

What kind of Video Production class is this?

I've always been looking forward to VIDPRO the most in CMC because it's the core of my interest in CMC in the first place.

But now....I don't know what to think anymore :\


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