poupeegirl fashion brand community


From green to blue.

From shorts to skirts.

I don't understand.

From bonded to separated.

I don't feel together anymore.

From equal to labelled.

It doesn't feel the same anymore.

It just doesn't.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导


What is the purpose of life?

Is it just to study away,

Is it just to waste your life on books?





I don't believe so.

Then why?

Why must we make life so miserable for our souls?

Even when we want to have fun,

there's always something in your way...

And you can't get rid of it.

I just want to be who I am.

Is it that hard to understand my desire?

My desire;

My desire to be myself.

I'm no girl who sits down quietly to study.

I'm not like any other friend of mine.

I am myself.

I have my own opinions.

And yet, why don't you understand?

I just want to be me.

The only me I love.



是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导

I took 4 freaking tests in one day, and yet you don't allow me to rest one bit.


是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导