Why am I
Suddenly so overwhelmed with hurt
With confusion
I don't know what's wrong with me
But all that's in my mind is you
You're like
A parasite
That feeds on my brain
Eating away reality from my mind
But yet, I love you
And I refuse to trade you away for reality
No matter how much
I try
I can't let go
What's wrong with me?
Everyone has
Already turned back
Yet I'm stuck here
Unable to
I can't be with you
But yet desiring to
Be by your side
It's suffocating
Why am I
Doing this to myself?
Why am I crying?
What's there to cry over?
You give me so much pain but
Yet I can't get rid of you
Without you there's no light in the dark room
You're my gleam of hope
It's so dumb how
I do this to myself
When there's probably so many better people out there
Yet my heart feels like
It can never love
Anyone as much as you anymore.