How long must I live with this?
Going through the pain day by day.
I try to forget, I try to stray.
Yet, it keeps coming back to haunt me.
By day.
By night.
It's everywhere.
Little gossips
about me
behind my back.
I know, it happens
How can it not happen?
I'm not a normal girl.
I don't live a very normal life.
I don't seem like a usual person you see on the streets.
Of course,
it happens.
Of course,
people are unsatisfied with me.
But I'm not moving.
Why can't I
live life
as I imagine it to be?
Why must I
be restricted
by the norms of society?
There is no boundaries
if you see there to be none.
But yet,
every single time
you use it against me.
You say you love me.
But you never seem to appreciate or love the way I am.
Is that loving me?
I don't want to speak to you.
But yet you always want to speak to me.
Maybe, I'd talk to you more.
If you stopped having so many opinions about me.
If you stopped trying to change who I am.
I want to be
who I am.
If I lived as a person that I am not,
who could you still say that the person you are loving is still
是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导