According to Alyssa, she said I should write my blog in English.
Yea ok,I'm fine with it.I only complain in Chinese :)
After some inspection of my seniors blogs,I realised somethings amazing.
1)Ruth likes Zac Efron(and marshmallows).
2)Faeqa likes Kurosaki Ichigo.
3)Isabel is in love with Hibari.
4)Jia Ping's blog is practically empty.
5)Alyssa's blog is for complaining.
6)The Sec2 level blog states:scrcy sectwos
'08 7)The only ma'am who updates her blog is Gilda ma'am
9)Michelle ma'am 's blog is gone D:
10)Jing Rui ma'am 's blog is apparently locked
11)The sec 3's closed down their level blog...
12)Nicci suspects that Amanda Soo likes Mr Teo
(because her blog is called Johneater)
13)Amanda Koh's trying her best to revive her blog.
14)Piramol's blog is green :D
15)Marsya's blog is the most updated! :)
16)Nicolette wrote this in her blog:"im sexy, romantic, cool, determined, likes the crowd, likes the sun, happy, very crazy "
are my eyes tricking me???
17)I love invading others blogs!!!(muahahahaha)
Ok that was random. -.-""
I think that's enough for today.
Ja ne minna-san.
-Inamura Yumi.
~Sakura saku nami ochiru~
是DNA 唱我反调 还是我 的命运 不敢自编自导